Sunday, October 24, 2010

Coconut Jelly Cap Fifi

This is basic ingredients that u need.

Plain jelly powder

Young coconut juice (mixed with sugar when i bought it)


First, u gotta be sure that air kelapa tu is room temperature. So let's get started.

Add 2 1/2 tbsp sugar + half glass of plain water + 3/4 plain jelly. Stir them quickly to avoid jelly lumpy. Stir n stir n bring to boil(low heat). 
The reason y I dont use the whole packet of plain jelly, because I want my jelly become smooth and chewy. Lagi pun I guna sebijik je kelapa muda.

This is sugar + water + jelly

While the mixture still hot, tapis kan dia. I don't want my coconut jelly nampak ketul2. Stir them quickly before it getting set to hardened. 

Boil again. Sambil tunggu nak didih, asingkan air kelapa dengan isi kelapa. Why..? I tamau isi kelapa i jadi lembik sbb kene hot temperature. Tak besh nak geget.

This is isi kelapa muda

Pour air kelapa muda into the mixture. As mentioned above (eceh formal mcm nak buat letter lak), air kelapa tu mesti room temp. sebab kalau air kelapa tu sejuk from the fridge, then mix with hot jelly, it will set quickly. Nanti tak sempat nak kacau, berketul2 sangat tak syok utk di makan.

Agak2 the jelly mixture n air kelapa dah mix properly n mesra (bak kata mak i dlu), it ready to be pour into bekas. I dont wait until it boil, sebab tak sabar. 

Pour into bekas. Suka hati u lah nak bekas apa, bentuk love ke 4 segi ke bulat ke. Im using the clear container isi Tau Foo Fah yang beli kat pasar malam tu. Earlier I asing kan the isi coconut, now isi coconut tu letak dalam bekas. 

Suka hati u lah nak mana2 banyak mana sikit. Nak berat sebelah ke nak adil ke..Ehehe digress!

1 biji kelapa muda and the other ingredients can make 3 bekas ni.

Best to leave jelly in the refrigerator so it'll be nice n cool.

1 biji kelapa muda = RM2.80
Plain jelly        = RM1.90
Sugar, water, periuk, sudu, senduk, strainer, gas = free

RM 4. 70 for 3 bekas or RM 1.60/bekas. What u'll get from pasar malam for 1 small bekas..? RM 1.20. What a big different. Sennorot kan. It just need ur kerajinan n usaha. :)

Happy weekend, everyone.


  1. easy n delicious..
    n cost way much cheaper =)

  2. Yes Yumi its much better and tasty compared to the one sold in stall.
