Wednesday, November 17, 2010

'Eid Ul-Adha (Hari Raya Haji/Korban)

Eid Ul-Adha, the second festival most grandly celebrated all by Muslims over the world, after Aidilfitri. On 10th Zulhijjah, Eid Ul-Adha celebrated about two months after Aidilfitri, it marks the end of the haj pilgrimage period (about two weeks). That's the reason why it named Hari Raya Haji. Every year millions of Muslims make the journey to the Holy Land of Mecca to perform the haj, a requirement in Islam as it makes up one of the five tenets of the religion. As long as they have the means to do so, and are able health-wise, Muslims must perform the haj at least once in life. Alhamdulillah my dad completed his haj few years ago.

The story behind Aidiladha:  The sacrifice made by the Nabi Ibrahim ("korban" which means sacrifice), who demonstrated immense faith when he was put to the test by Allah. He was commanded to offer his only son Ismail up for sacrifice, and though it grieved him greatly, he made ready to perform the task. However, as he was about to strike his son, Allah stopped him and revealed that it was a trial. 

As such, during Aidiladha, the sacrifice of animals such as lambs, goats, cows, bulls and camels is performed. In Malaysia, cows are commonly chosen due to the facts that the availability. They are slain in accordance with the proper religious rites/ceremony, the meat is then distributed.

1/3 of the meat is given to the individual who willingly supplied the animal, while the rest is given to the needy or poor and deserving friends and relatives. It is to be noted that this is not a compulsory religious duty, but an obligation for those who are able to afford it.
Though in Malaysia the celebration of Aidiladha is relatively solemn compared to Aidilfitri, by no means is it less important, for it is a day when Muslims reaffirm their faith in Allah, be thankful for the many blessings that He has bequeathed to them.

I'd like to share my moment celebrating 'Eid Ul-adha with u. Enjoy..


** the girl at the end of the video is my sister. :)


  1. meriahnya.. salam aidiladha jua..
    first time ke sini


  2. Memang meriah..
    Gotong royong sekampung. Laki lapah daging. Pempuan masak2..makan sama2.

  3. Mr. Lonely, tanx for dropping by. :)
    Happy sharing
