Thursday, October 14, 2010

PMS I don’t hate u.

Apa yang u all bole buat masa tengah menderita akibat sengungut..? J sepak2 dinding..? or mengamuk tak tentu pasal..? Meh I citer pasal PMS. PMS adalah Pre-Menstrual Syndrome

First entry, I nak post an explanation why we (women) sometimes have the urge to throw the emo on our men during PMS and how you (men) should understand, be patience and leave us be. Hehe. Kadang2 boipren/husband kita tak paham kan.. Ikut je apa yang we all nak, jangan merungut sebab skali sebulan je kite alami ni.. Hehe

Actually, bukan nya we all sengaja nak emo2, bcoz we all sensitip to the hormonal shifts masa menstrual cycle tu. Ada org b4 period dia emo, ada org masa tgh period..ada org end of period and ada org whole period tu dia emo J
(See…. we didn’t do it purposedly, it’s the hormone)

Biasanya masa PMS ni, gejala2 yang berlaku kat we all adalah cepat sentap, over sensitip, mood swing cepat sgt, cepat letih, nak moody2 tak tentu pasal, sengal badan sana sini, muka jadi oily masa tu ler jerawat nak datang menyinggah (tak suka tau), pastu kuat craving. I tak period pun selera mmg macam org datang bulan. Paling seksa is period pain, some women sampai kena MC, ada yang muntah2, even collapse. I penah experienced angkat kawan I collapse sbb period pain ni..sampai termuntah2 dia u, nak marah pun tak guna sbb dia tgh sakit kan. nasib bek dia ringan n bole papah.

** dulu I emo sangat sbb PMS sampai hampir breakoff ngn boipren sbb tak dpt makan McD. Ntah pape betul la bila ingat balik. Don’t let the emo control u.

Personally, I tak ada serious problem dengan period pain, n even now I rasa selesa when the time come sbb I consume EPO daily..haa..apakah itu EPO..?

Oke kita citer pasal EPO pula yea. EPO stands for Evening Primrose Oil. I consume EPO ni since I was a student lagik. Currently I consume EPO from Cosway. J

This is mine, from Cosway

EPO really can help u with symptoms of PMS, macam mood swings, bloating, and lenguh sana sini.. betul u, I tak tipu. Bonus EPO yang I (and u too) dpt enjoy ialah kulit I ada santek sikit – healthy glowing gitu, itu bintik2 merah bila period tak ada la sgt nak menyinggah, rambut kurang le gugur..oleh itu I vacuum umah skali seminggu je sbb tak byk rambut gugur..kalau dlu pun, lot a hair falls skali seminggu juga I vacuum J hehe.

Tapi tak semestinya u all kene consume EPO brand Cosway juga same as mine. The choice its all urs, either MLM brands or those in the pharmacies, mcm Blackmores ke Kordel ke Biolife ke Seven Seas ke Efamol ke. 

This is belong to Kak Rose, From Kordel's

Always be a smart consumer - Bila u nak beli EPO, do check the % of GLA available in each capsule. Ada dia tulis belakang botol tu. The higher the %, the purer the EPO and I percaya sgt it will be more effective.  Serasa2 I la, Efamol is the best EPO (wei Efamol tak baya I oke utk ni) each capsule contains 33% GLA. Tapi mahal sikit lah. Tapi the expensive price we are paying is worth it lah. But im doing just fine with Cosway, each capsule contains 10% GLA. Honestly, a week after consume EPO from Cosway, itu bintik2 merah dah tamau tumbuh.. (me suffering from acne problem due to makan jamu – gatai sangat padan muka)

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