Saturday, October 16, 2010

Welcome to the world, Lili Fatnin

I just reached home, from Shah Alam visiting a cousin who just delivered a baby girl name Lili Fatnin (L.I.L.I with I not Y). Damn fenat but too excited nak transfer – edit – upload into blog.

Jangan cakap banyak meh kita nengok gmbor Lili

This is Lili Fatnin

Lili just like other babies are wonderful. Dribble, spit, and make lots and lots of dirty diapers. She can't talk, walk, or go to the bathroom like we do! Because she need so much care, Abi and Umi (and Granny too) will be busy making sure the she gets the rest, food, clean diapers, and love she needs.

This is Lili's thick black hair

This is Lili's little hairy ears

This is Lili's cute little arm

It can be a lot of fun to have a new baby in the house I believe, but it can be tiring, too. You might love the baby right from the start. 

So dearie cousins - Abang D and Kak Fiza, happy parenting. Abang D sudah2 la pangai cam budak2, dah jadi bapak org dah. Kak Fiza, enjoy the confinement.